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Any Questions?


We hope you find RazzmaTag to be immensely useful. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.


The Editorium

P.O. Box 702601

Salt Lake City, UT 84170 USA


The Editorium provides word-processing tools for editors, writers, and other publishing professionals. If you like RazzmaTag, you may be interested in these other products from the Editorium:

Editor’s ToolKit Plus includes Editor’s ToolKit, FileCleaner, NoteStripper, and QuarkConverter.

Editor’s ToolKit provides powerful tools for copyediting in Microsoft Word.

QuarkConverter converts Word documents into XPressTag files for import into QuarkXPress.

NoteStripper strips footnotes and endnotes to the end of a document as numbered text.

FileCleaner cleans up common editorial and typographical problems in electronic manuscripts.

You can download fully functioning evaluation copies of these programs free of charge from the Editorium’s site on the World Wide Web at

This documentation and the RazzmaTag software are copyright © 1996, 2000, 2001 by the Editorium. All rights are reserved. Editor’s ToolKit Plus, Editor’s ToolKit, NoteStripper, MegaReplacer, RazzmaTag, FileCleaner, and Editorium are trademarks of the Editorium.

All trademarks mentioned in this documentation or the program are acknowledged as trademarks of their owners.